Non-Surgical Dental Implants Make Tooth Replacement Simpler

Non-Surgical Dental Implants in Butler, PA | Mini Dental Implant

Here’s the easiest choice you’ll make all day: If you need to replace a tooth, and all other aspects are equal, would you rather do so with or without undergoing surgery? The choice is easy; non-surgical mini dental implants provide all the benefits of larger traditional implants without the invasive placement procedure. These smaller implants benefit patients and dentists alike, as their ease of placement allows the entire procedure and healing process to be simpler, faster, and more convenient.

Explaining Non-Surgical Dental Implants

Non-Surgical Dental Implants in Butler, PA | Mini Dental ImplantNon-surgical dental implants, more commonly called mini dental implants, are a smaller, sleeker version of traditional dental implants. Their smaller size allows implant dentists like Dr. Brockley or Dr. Gildersleeve to place them without invasive techniques like stitches and incisions. We only need to drill a small pilot hole through the gums to place the implant. It’s kind of like getting your ears pierced. The entire procedure is done in minutes, which makes mini implants a great choice for anyone with dental anxiety or a concern about complex, invasive treatments.

This simple, efficient procedure has more benefits than just an easier placement. Non-surgical dental implants heal faster, taking a few weeks rather than a few months to fully integrate with your jawbone. As a result, you can experience much quicker results with mini dental implants. Their streamlined timeline also means fewer dental office visits, saving you money compared to traditional implants.

How Does the Non-Surgical Dental Implant Process Work?

At Brockley Dental Center, our caring and knowledgeable team will guide you through the process of getting non-surgical dental implants so that you know what to expect at each step.

  1. Non-Surgical Dental Implants in Butler, PA | Mini Dental ImplantsInitial consultation: At your first visit, Dr. Brockley or Dr. Gildersleeve will examine your mouth, take X-rays, discuss finances, and consider your wants and preferences. We will use this information to create a customized treatment plan just for you. We’ll also take an impression of your teeth to create your custom restoration.
  2. Implant placement: Before we start, we’ll apply a local anesthetic to the area, ensuring you have a pain-free experience. Then, one of our experienced dentists will carefully drill the pilot hole through your gum ridge. Once we create the hole, we set the implant into your jawbone and make any adjustments to ensure a perfect fit.
  3. Temporary teeth placement and osseointegration: As soon as we place the mini implants, we’ll attach temporary teeth so you don’t have to go without teeth as your jawbone heals. It takes 3-4 weeks for mini implants to fully fuse with the jawbone, a process called osseointegration.
  4. Final restoration: Once your final restoration is fabricated at the dental lab, you’ll return to the office. We’ll remove your temporary restoration and secure the new one into place.

After the procedure, you can care for your new teeth just like your natural teeth. A strong oral hygiene routine involving consistent brushing, flossing, and dental visits will ensure your new teeth last for many years!

How Much Do Non-Surgical Dental Implants Cost?

One key feature of mini implants is that they cost less than traditional implants, thanks to their streamlined placement and healing processes. When you come in for your consultation, our experienced office staff will review your insurance information to ensure you get the most out of your coverage. We also offer financing options from multiple lending partners to help make your treatment cost fit within your monthly budget.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

If you’ve been considering replacing a missing tooth or stabilizing a loose pair of dentures, now is the time to act. Non-surgical dental implants offer a minimally invasive placement solution with a quick healing time and remarkable results! If you’re ready to learn if these implants are right for you, contact Brockley Dental Center today to schedule your consultation. Let us show you how easy it can be to replace teeth with non-surgical dental implants!

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