Implant-Supported Dentures Won’t Slip or Slide

Implant-Supported Dentures in Pittsburgh, PA | Mini Implants

Have you had issues with your dentures unexpectedly moving around in your mouth? If you’re one of the 40+ million Americans with some form of denture, chances are you’ve experienced this potentially embarrassing situation. However, replacing your missing teeth with implant-supported dentures eliminates this constant problem and provides additional oral health benefits. At Brockley Dental Center in Butler, PA, we specialize in placing dental implants and offering this innovative dental solution to our patients.

What Are Implant-Supported Dentures?

Implant-Supported Dentures in Pittsburgh, PA | Mini ImplantsImplant-supported dentures represent a significant advancement over traditional dentures. Unlike conventional dentures that rest on the gums, implant dentures are anchored to dental implants or mini dental implants, providing enhanced stability and function. The implants themselves are titanium screws that we place directly into the jawbone, providing a strong base for tooth restorations like crowns, bridges, and dentures. Gone are the days of worrying that your false teeth might come loose at the most inopportune times. You’ll be able to eat all your favorite foods again and speak clearly since implant-supported dentures are more stable and look and feel more like your natural teeth.

Mini dental implants not only hold your dentures in place but also function as your missing tooth roots. Conventional dentures can’t serve this function. The roots of your teeth stimulate your jawbone and the surrounding tissue, encouraging growth. Without this stimulation, your jawbone and tissue density will start to deteriorate, which can lead to facial sag, changing the way you look.

The Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures

While superior stability is their calling card, implant dentures offer many other benefits over traditional dentures.

  1. Increased comfort: The base of these dentures won’t slip or shift, so there’s no more soreness from ill-fitting dental prosthetics.
  2. Improved oral health: These implants stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone and tissue loss, a common issue with traditional dentures.
  3. Natural look and feel: These prosthetics closely mimic natural teeth in appearance and functionality, enhancing facial aesthetics and bite.
  4. Impressive durability: We designed our implant-supported dentures for long-term use, making them a cost-effective solution. They also don’t require relining or messy adhesives like traditional dentures.

The Implant Process

Getting implant-supported dentures at Brockley Dental Center is patient-focused and meticulously planned. The process begins at your first appointment, where you’ll receive a thorough examination and X-rays of your teeth and jaw, followed by a detailed consultation to discuss the available options. After completing the placement process, you will obtain a temporary set of teeth while our lab crafts your personalized denture. Once the jawbone integrates with the implants, we’ll securely attach your custom-made dentures, providing a stable and permanent solution for tooth loss.

Different Denture Options

While implant-supported dentures generally refer to any denture supported by implants, there are different options within that umbrella. For those who like the convenience of removing their dentures daily, snap-on dentures, aka implant-retained overdentures, may be the right choice. We can offer a semi-removable roundhouse bridge for those who want more stability. This option will only be removed by a dentist like Dr. Brockley for professional cleaning. Finally, if you’re looking for the ultimate choice in stability and functionality, permanent dentures are the way to go. You can discuss these options further with Dr. Brockley or Dr. Gildersleeve at your initial consultation.

How Much Do Implant-Supported Dentures Cost?

We understand that the cost of dental procedures can be a concern. At Brockley Dental Center, we strive to make implant-supported dentures affordable and accessible. Our team is dedicated to helping you comprehend your insurance benefits and explore the options available. We work with CareCredit to provide financing options and accept most insurance plans. The final cost will depend on the type of denture you choose and how many implants are used.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Embarking on the journey to a renewed smile with implant-supported dentures starts with a consultation at Brockley Dental Center. If you’re in Butler, PA, or the Greater Pittsburgh area, we invite you to schedule an appointment. Discover how implant-supported dentures can transform your smile and enhance your overall quality of life. Say goodbye to traditional denture concerns and embrace a new era of dental restoration that ensures a natural look, improved functionality, and a renewed sense of self-assurance in every smile.

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