Dental Implants in Pittsburgh, PA

Dental Implants in Pittsburgh, PA | Mini Dental Implants | New Teeth

Losing a tooth can be distressing. Whether from an unexpected injury, long-term decay, gum disease, or another factor, the gaps left behind by missing teeth can be a source of insecurity and frustration. Tooth loss even affects your diet by limiting the foods you can eat and causes changes to the way you speak. Additionally, you may be reluctant to smile because of self-consciousness. These issues are certainly impacting Pennsylvanians, as the state is above the national average in adults aged 65+ who have lost all their natural teeth due to decay or gum disease. But here’s the good news: dental implants can replace missing teeth permanently. If you’re looking for dental implants in Pittsburgh, we can help.

Brockley Dental Center is a Mini Dental Implant Center of America. We specialize in using innovative mini implants to replace missing teeth efficiently.

Why Consider Dental Implants in Pittsburgh?

Dental Implants in Pittsburgh, PA | Mini Dental Implants | New TeethFor many years, if you wanted to replace missing teeth, your options were limited—you might get a “flipper tooth,” perhaps, or a bridge for a few missing teeth. If you were missing all your teeth, traditional dentures could restore your biting power and smile. However, all of these options came with their own set of problems. Instability and an unnatural look and feel have been a big issue in dental prosthetics. Fortunately, we have a better solution.

Dental implants are titanium screws that create a strong, sturdy base for crowns, bridges, and implant dentures to connect to. Unlike traditional dentures, which can move or slide, dental implants are anchored securely in your jawbone. This means they function and feel like your natural teeth.

They also offer another benefit that traditional bridges and dentures lack: dental implants improve oral health by functioning as artificial tooth roots. When your tooth roots are missing, there’s no stimulus for your jawbone, and you begin to lose bone and tissue density. Dental implants stimulate the jawbone, keeping it strong and maintaining your facial appearance so you look more like yourself.

What Problems Can Dental Implants Fix?

So, when exactly are dental implants used, and why have they become so popular in Pittsburgh? Dental implants are versatile and are used to:

  • Replace knocked-out or badly broken teeth
  • Provide stability for loose dentures
  • Address any level of tooth loss due to gum disease, tooth decay, or aging
  • Replace traditional dentures with a more fixed option
  • Enhance the look of the smile with a natural, stable solution

Implants can solve many problems, and mini dental implants, in particular, are a less invasive and more efficient option.

Mini Implants: Half the Size, Double the Benefits

One of the most important innovations in dental implant technology is mini dental implants. These tiny titans do everything traditional implants can and more, all at half the size. Mini implants are less than 3 mm wide, about the size of a toothpick. This allows them to gain an edge over their larger predecessors. Their benefits include:

  • Less invasive, more efficient procedure: Traditional implants need multiple visits to place and require 3-6 months to fully fuse with the jawbone before use. Because mini implants are slim and immediately strong, they can be placed and used in just one day. Their smaller size makes them suitable for patients with reduced jawbone density for whom traditional implants are not viable.
  • Instant results, quick recovery: Eligible patients can walk in for their appointment in the morning and walk out shortly after a brand new set of teeth! As for recovery? Most patients are back to their normal activities in 24-48 hours.
  • Strong, durable design: Just because they’re small doesn’t mean they aren’t strong. Both traditional implants and mini implants are made from durable titanium. An advantage of mini implants is that they are one single piece, unlike conventional implants. This eliminates spaces between components where bacteria can accumulate and harm the surrounding tissues.
  • More affordable: With all these benefits, how are mini implants more affordable? Because they can be placed so quickly and easily, all that extra time and extra visits to the dentist that traditional implants need is money back in your pocket. It’s a win-win.

Affordable Dental Implants

We understand that the cost of dental procedures can sometimes be a hurdle. That’s why our staff will work with you, your insurance company, and our lending partners to design a payment plan that fits your budget. Understanding what dental insurance covers can be challenging, but our team is here to help patients navigate and understand their available options. If you need to finance out-of-pocket expenses, we work with CareCredit to provide short and long-term financing, with introductory rates as low as 0%. Our goal is to make quality dental care to be affordable. After all, investing in dental implants is investing in your future health and confidence.

Your Smile Awaits!

Why settle for a life of hesitation and discomfort? If you are looking for mini dental implants in Pittsburgh, we can help. These small dental implants are versatile tools for long-lasting tooth replacement. With a minimally invasive procedure, immediate results, and reduced costs, mini dental implants provide a convenient and efficient solution for those seeking quick and effective tooth replacement.

If you are in the Greater Pittsburgh area and want to learn more, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our experienced implant team at Brockley Dental Center.

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