Fix-on-Six Provides a Full, Stable Smile Restoration

Fix-on-Six in Pittsburgh, PA | Mini Dental Implant Cost | Dr. Brockley

Many people turn to restorative dentistry to give them a beautiful, functional smile, especially when facing extensive tooth loss or damage. However, restorative dentistry covers many different tooth replacement options—which one is right for you? For those seeking a reliable, stable, functional way to rebuild their smile, the Fix-on-Six® system may be the perfect choice. At Brockley Dental Center in Butler, PA, we proudly offer this innovative solution that’s changing the way tooth replacement, including full-mouth reconstructions, is approached.

What Is Fix-on-Six?

Fix-on-Six in Pittsburgh, PA | Mini Dental Implant Cost | Dr. BrockleyThe Fix-on-Six system is an implant denture solution for missing teeth. It uses mini dental implants to secure a dental prosthetic directly to your jawbone. This process is the next evolution of an older implant denture solution, All-on-4®, which uses larger traditional dental implants for support. Both methods use roundhouse zirconia bridges to replace all the teeth of your top or bottom arch. These roundhouse bridges are very stable; they’ll only be removable by an implant dentist like Dr. Brockley or Dr. Gildersleeve for a professional cleaning. Fix-on-Six secures the roundhouse bridges with six mini implants, while All-on-4 uses four conventional implants. The biggest difference between the two systems is the benefits of using mini dental implants with Fix-on-Six.

The Advantages of Mini Implants

Mini dental implants are titanium posts carefully inserted directly into the jawbone. If this sounds invasive, don’t worry. One advantage of using mini implants is that we can place them without incisions or stitches. They only require a tiny pilot hole, and placement takes just a few minutes per implant. This minimally invasive procedure shortens treatment and recovery time, reducing the total cost of the process.

Just because mini implants are smaller than larger implants doesn’t mean they’re less reliable. They have similar success rates to larger implants, and thanks to their slim diameter, we can place more of them in your jawbone. The additional implants spread the bite force more evenly and provide extra support, like adding legs to a table. To top it all off, Fix-on-Six can be an option for those who don’t have enough bone density to support bigger implants, making it a more universally available process.

The Benefits of Choosing Fix-on-Six

When it comes to alternative denture options, Fix-on-Six offers several benefits above and beyond their use of mini implants, especially when compared to traditional dentures.

  1. Improved comfort and functionality: With Fix-on-Six, patients will enjoy a more comfortable and functional result. Unlike traditional dentures, which can slip or cause discomfort, Fix-on-Six offers a stable and secure fit, enhancing aesthetics and chewing power. You’ll be able to eat all your favorite foods once again!
  2. Simplicity and efficiency: Traditional dentures are always at risk of being lost or forgotten because they are frequently removed. They also require constant relining and often need adhesive to be “gooped on” to stay put. Choosing Fix-on-Six eliminates all of those hassles.
  3. Bone preservation: Like other implant solutions, Fix-on-Six helps preserve jawbone density and facial structure by stimulating the jawbone. Traditional dentures can’t do that, which leads to bone and tissue loss over time.
  4. Cost-effectiveness: While providing a high-quality solution, Fix-on-Six is also cost-effective compared to other restorative treatments. Its streamlined approach and use of mini implants reduce treatment costs.

Full Mouth Reconstruction With Fix-on-Six

Full mouth reconstruction is a personalized dental treatment plan to restore a complete and healthy smile, particularly for patients with significant tooth damage, loss, or decay. Commonly, full-mouth reconstructions may include procedures like dental veneers, dentures, or bridges, and sometimes bone or gum grafts.

Fix-on-Six provides a way to replace an entire set of teeth in one streamlined procedure. This innovative option melds the stability of dental implants with the full coverage of dentures. It’s an excellent choice for patients with significant or complete tooth loss, offering a functional and natural-feeling solution.

Keeping Costs Low Thanks to Mini Dental Implants

One of the biggest concerns patients have when considering major medical or dental work is the cost. One way Fix-on-Six reduces your dental bill is by using mini dental implants. These smaller, sleeker implants are less invasive, faster to heal, and don’t require extra follow-up visits, making them significantly more affordable than traditional dental implants.

In addition to using the lower-cost mini implants, our experienced staff will help you navigate your dental insurance to maximize your benefits. We also partner with CareCredit to offer financing options that start at 0% interest.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you’re considering complete tooth replacement, Fix-on-Six at Brockley Dental Center could be the life-changing solution you’ve been seeking. Don’t let another day go by without experiencing a full, beautiful smile again. Contact us to schedule a consultation and learn more about how Fix-on-Six can restore your dental health and confidence.

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