Mini dental implants vs. conventional dental implants
Are you considering dental implants but have questions about the process and what is involved with dental implant treatment? Watch this video by experienced Butler implant dentist Dr. E. Ahono Gildersleeve as she describes the difference between mini implants and conventional implants.
The difference between a mini dental implant and a standard diameter implant lies with the diameter or width of the implant. This is a mini dental implant, and when it’s placed into the jaw, it requires a small pinhole, as seen here.
On the other hand, a standard or large diameter implant requires a larger osteotomy or hole to be drilled to the jawbone. What makes the mini dental implant unique is there’s a one piece system. It has a ball and square design at the head, and what’s really helpful about this is that these implants are called “immediate load”. That means that as soon as the implant is placed into your mouth, you can have a temporary or a final crown placed that day or multiple of them can be used to stabilize a loose denture.
So there’s no waiting around. There’s no waiting for the gums to heal over a standard dental implant. In my experience, I have found that mini dental implants are less invasive to the patient. They require less or shorter healing time. There’s less postoperative pain and discomfort after surgery. There’s also less visits to the dentist, and on average, they’re less money. They’re less expensive than standard diameter implants.
Because of the mini dental implant’s, smaller diameter, we’re able to help many more patients with this implant. We don’t require significant bone grafting or long waiting periods. So if you’ve been turned down for dental implants in the past, mini dental implants could be the solution for you.
If you or someone you love needs a dental implant, meet with Dr. E. Ahono Gildersleeve to learn about the difference between mini dental implants and conventional implants and see which option is the best fit for you.